Rainbow Roses & Flowers

Singapore’s most popular online florist delivers rainbow roses the same day throughout Singapore!

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Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-36 The Perfect 10 Rainbow


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-35 My Only Rainbow


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-37 Over the Rainbow


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-80 Rainbow Delight


Premium Hand Bouquet


Original price was: $399.90.Current price is: $259.90.

Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-107 Rainbow Color


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-105 Rainbow Happy


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-104 Rainbow Glory


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-103 Rainbow One


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-82 Rainbow Love


Premium Hand Bouquet

KH-83 Rainbow Passion

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What Some of Customer Say

At 2 am, I called many florists to get a bouquet sent to my wife but non were answering. Only Little Flower Hut was open. Life Saver. Flower was delivered in an hour, the flower bouquet was beautiful. Thank you Esther. Highly recommended.

Mark / Bishan

Called them and Order at 12am. Everything was done perfectly – a balloon, a bouquet of fresh flowers, delivered time within 45min. Only Florist in Singapore open late at night. I will sure order again.

Mr Tan / Upper Changi Road

I was very frustrated initially until I found this florist. Online you will see many florists say that they only mid-night but none were answering the call except Little Flower Hut. True to their words, they deliver my hand bouquet with 90min. Thank you Jean. Recommended.

John / JB, Malaysia

Something colorful and unique, rainbow roses do the trick!

We live in the age of unicorns craze, vibrant hues, and candy-colored everything. It’s amazing how pops of color have made their way through the hustle and bustle of life. How a stream of rainbow colors bring about excitement, creativity, and fun.

Sure you can order a lovely hand bouquet of mixed flowers in an array of colors, sizes, and textures. But if you’re searching for something more than a bouquet of tropical flowers, Little Flower Hut flower delivery team in Singapore has something right up her sleeves.

Our florist carefully goes through the process of coloring white or cream-colored roses in vivid hues of pink, orange, yellow, and green. Every color is symbolic of positivity—pink for appreciation, orange for congratulations, yellow for friendship, and green for a new life. All of these colors look as if they were masterfully painted on each petal with blending techniques to make them look even more captivating. Indeed, it’s like our florists become artists and we can tell you that they enjoy the artistic process.

The process is also scientific in nature. Although we can’t harvest kaleidoscopic roses from any rose bush found in nature, Peter van de Werken, a flower grower in the Netherlands thought it a brilliant idea to make rainbow roses. It took him 6 months to perfect the process we now diligently follow.

Rainbow roses go by other names too like happy roses or kaleidoscope roses. Indeed, they put a smile on our faces as we write about these multi-colored blooms. For one, roses are universally special flowers we give to people we truly care about.

If you’re looking for a unique flower bouquet or a colorful bouquet of roses, we have the perfect solution for you! Rainbow roses bouquet is something you can give to people young and old for all of those happy occasions, those times that call for a celebration.

Spark joy and inspiration to your friends and family’s lives with rainbow roses. These flowers are perfect to give to a birthday celebrant, to mums on Mother’s Day, or to young people who are graduating. Rainbow rose bouquet is a unique present when celebrating your anniversary too as well as when welcoming a new baby.

Order the gift of happiness, inspiration, and excitement from Little Flower Hut your local florist in Singapore today. Our rainbow roses are available for delivery anywhere in Singapore. You will surely make your loved ones extra happy and cheerful with a bouquet of happy roses from your favorite online florist.