Premium Hand Bouquet

H-98 Gentleman Bouquet


Premium Hand Bouquet

H-93 Poised


Premium Hand Bouquet

PB-43 Pleasing


Premium Hand Bouquet



Premium Hand Bouquet

H-82 Enchanting Winter


Little Flower Hut’s Sumptuous Jumbo Bouquets of Flowers

Just the best will do when you need it most. Our largest floral arrangements, found in the Jumbo collection, are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Affordable giant bouquets start at just $99.90, and you may choose from several different themes like “Colorful,” “Monotone,” and “Rustic.”

The Lola, a riotous bunch of pink hydrangeas and peonies; the 99 Roses with Love, the ultimate emblem of passion; and the Jade, a stunning arrangement of 99 stalks of tulips, are just a few of the extremely lavish arrangements we provide.

Large, lovingly Hand Crafted Giant Bouquet

Since we do not mass produce our giant bouquets, we take great pride in the fact that each one is a one-of-a-kind work of art. We’re a family-run business run by a nationally recognized florist who takes great delight in providing the best floral services in Singapore. Every day, we hand-select the most fragrant and beautiful blooms from our growers to include in our bouquets.

Large Bouquet, Big Impression

Gift baskets brimming with fresh fruit, delicacies, wellness items, and more can be combined with one of our extra large bouquets to create the perfect present for any special occasion. Sending a greeting card is optional, but it adds a nice touch to any package you send. Is it a secret admirer sending it to you? If you’d like the recipient to have no idea who sent the flowers, you have the option to remain anonymous. Our unexpected flower delivery is perfect for that too!

All orders placed before 5pm throughout the week are guaranteed to be delivered the Same business day. If you’d rather have your massive flower arrangement delivered at a later date, just let us know.