The modern consumer is budget-conscious. Our customers want to make the right choice when purchasing a flower bouquet, fruit basket, or hamper delivery. They always look for the best quality they can afford, but don’t spend too much on discretionary expenses, flowers included.
It is up to Singapore florist to create lovely arrangements from fresh-cut flowers and use good quality materials and sell them to customers at reasonable prices. If you take a look at our florist online catalog, you’ll see some of the cheapest bouquets around. However, with a cheap florist Singapore arrangement, you may be wondering if the quality is compromised.
Cheapest Sources
Little Flower Hut flower delivery Singapore service is well-known has industry knowledge on where to purchase supplies and stems in bulk from wholesale suppliers. We have a preference for local flowers than international blooms. Still, it takes creativity to make a cheap floral arrangement from just a few stems of European blooms with other accent flowers and fillers.
Growing tropical flowers in a local source can ensure the freshest blooms at the lowest price. Ordering flowers from other countries can affect pricing. The cost of handling and transportation can affect the price of the bouquets on display. By growing flowers in Singapore, cheaper bouquets can be made.
Quality Replacements
A cheap hand bouquet does not mean it is cheap-looking. The arrangement you saw on the Little Flower Hut online florist website won’t be exactly what will be delivered to your loved one. Sometimes, the flowers or fillers on the website are not available so replacements will be made. However, only fillers and accent flowers of equal value, if not more valuable, are used as a replacement.
Lower Overhead Costs
The upkeep of a flower shop Singapore location can be costly if not well-managed. It is best to pick the best locations with low rentals to lower our overhead costs. With lower rent, electricity, and maintenance costs, the end product can also be sold at a cheaper price.
There is an advantage when you work with a large company in the flower industry. If you maintain an independent flower shop, you will have to maintain all the costs by yourself. With a large company, expenditures are well-distributed among different locations to maintain low prices on all bouquets.
Minimal Waste
It is necessary to keep a stock of flowers, fillers, foliage, and other supplies to ensure that all orders will be met on-time. However, some flowers start to wilt when the demand for them is low. To minimize waste, we have an efficient inventory of our flowers and analyze what flowers are in demand so we can order those in larger quantities.
To improve our forecast of the demand, we sell pre-arranged hand bouquets that make the decision-making process easier for our customers while ensuring that we don’t have high waste trying to meet the demand of walk-in customers.
We also offer pre-orders to ensure that we only order stems and supplies that are in demand. With lower waste and costs for maintenance and storage from flowers that are not in demand, we can have cheaper pricing for the flowers that are in demand.
Technology made it possible to eliminate human error and labor in the form of cashiers, receptionists, and coordinators. With automated systems, we don’t lose orders and our system is constantly up-to-date. Our florists are given more time to work on creating new and unique arrangements instead of taking customer’s orders and placing orders for new supplies.
Pricing Strategy
Unique arrangements are often priced higher than pre-arranged bouquets. Florists make more money when they tap into their talent to create a brand new arrangement for a meticulous customer.
Buying in bulk for pre-made and pre-order bouquets ensure equal pricing for these types of bouquets. The price is based on the cost price of the bouquet with a small profit margin. If you don’t mind spotting someone else with the same bouquet of flowers as a gift, these pre-made bouquets will set you back less.
Using Affordable Flowers
Tropical flowers are always cheaper than international stems, but we don’t always need to use flowers. Fillers can also make a great arrangement for a lower price. Baby’s breath is a filler that are nice on bouquets, even a wedding bouquet. You can mix baby’s breath with hydrangea to make a beautiful but cheap flower arrangement. Local Hydrangeas are also cheap and make lovely bouquets.
It’s the Presentation
You can go far with a single rose and some chocolates. Hampers can have only a couple of stems with chocolate, a bubbly, and a soy candle. Special wrapping paper and boxes can also be bought at a cheap price yet make a simple floral arrangement using a few stems look sophisticated.
Even a single stalk of rose can be breathtaking. It’s cheap but it sends the same message as a dozen roses. Add some baby’s breath, eucalyptus leaves, and a ribbon, and you have a romantic arrangement for a special someone.
You can also go far with dried flowers and special wrapping paper along with some fillers and greens. You don’t always need fresh-cut flowers. Dried flowers make a lovely arrangement too.
Wrap Up
A cheap bouquet of flowers for your loved one doesn’t mean it looks as it costs. You can achieve an expensive-looking arrangement by growing your own flowers, cutting overhead costs, automating the system, having less waste, and knowing where to buy supplies and stems for less.