All About Daffodil – History, Meaning, Facts, Care & More

The bright colors of daffodils will surely captivate your eyes and it signifies that spring is coming. If you want to get to know more about this flower, here are some of the information that you can get from its origin to planting them.

History of Daffodil

Daffodil is also known as Narcissus, has a rich history and it can be traced back in Greek mythology when a nymph named Echo fell in love with Narcissus who was a young Greek. However, Narcissus didn’t like Echo and even told her to leave him alone. Devastated and heartbroken, Echo lived in solitude. One day, Nemesis, the God of revenge heard of the story and punished Narcissus. He invited Narcissus to a pool. Narcissus who is quite proud of himself saw his very own reflection in the pool, fell in, and eventually drowned. He then turned into a flower.

Many of the Daffodil species can be found in Europe and North Africa. It is usually found in woodlands, rocky places, or even meadows. Spain has the greatest number of species that are growing but it can also be found in the western part of France, Morocco, Portugal, and other countries. Daffodils were first introduced in 300 B.C. Since then, many gardeners are planting Daffodils all over the world. In fact, in Ukraine, this wildflower is very popular there that they even have 600 acres of Daffodils that they call “The Valley of the Narcissi.”

It was believed that daffodils were first grown in Ancient Rome around 200 B.C. The ancient Greeks and Romans have an ornamental value towards daffodils but eventually, it fell out of favor over time. It was in 1629 that a group of Englishmen re-introduced daffodils. Since then, planting of daffodils has grown widely that it is considered as one of the most hybridized flowers in the world.

Meaning of Daffodil

Narcissus is the botanical name of the whole genus of Daffodil. However, some people, especially in the Southern states, call it Jonquil as the common name for the whole genus. But generally, it is called Daffodil. So all colors, sizes, and types are called Daffodils. Primarily, the symbolism of daffodil pertains to a new beginning and coming of spring. But the most common meanings are the following:







However, in some cultures, the meaning of daffodils differ. In some countries, daffodils have uplifting meanings because the flower brings new hope after the cold and dark winter. In China, daffodils mean good fortune. In fact, it is the official flower during Chinese New Year. Japan, on the other hand, daffodils symbolize joy. In France, it means to hope. And in Arabian countries, it is believed that it is a cure for baldness. The American Cancer Association in the US even symbolizes daffodil as a hope for the cure of cancer. It is officially the flower for the month of March.

Flower Facts About Daffodil

It is estimated that there are 60 species of wild daffodils growing around the world and each year new varieties of daffodils are being produced and cultivated. Each variety differs in terms of size, color, and the number of leaves. Did you know that daffodils have a leafless stem? Its petals are usually in the color white, yellow, pink, orange, and green. But each year there are new varieties in different combination of colors are being found.

Growing Daffodils Indoor

Daffodils are delicate to plant and they prefer to be planted in the cold season in order for them to grow. If you are planning to grow your own daffodils indoor, it is important to know the basic information on how to do it.

  1. Water them thoroughly and putt them in a pot in cold storage. Ideally, the temperature should be between 35 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit. The bulbs of the daffodil will not grow properly if the temperature is too cold or too hot. Also, put them in storage where it’s dark and cool. Make sure to keep the soil moist but do not over water them.
  1. Normally, daffodils will require 12 weeks of cold storage. If you start to see that the shoots are growing about 2 to 3 inches, then you are ready to take out your daffodils to a warmer climate. The temperature should be warmer this time around 50 degrees Fahrenheit and should have low light. Leave the pot there for 3 days.
  2. After 3 days, it is time to move your pot to a sunnier spot on your window. The temperature should be between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. You should be careful that the temperature should not be warmer than that or else your daffodils will not bloom.

  1. Rotate the pot regularly. The shoots of the daffodils will get energy from the light so it is best to rotate the pot as frequent as possible.

  1. Usually, it will take 3 to 5 weeks for your daffodils to bloom after you put them in cold treatment. Once the daffodils are blooming, it will usually last for 1 month. Then it’s time to move them out of direct sunlight.

6.If you start to notice that if the bulbs of your daffodils are not growing as desired, apply fertilizer on your daffodils that have low-nitrogen and high potassium. You can buy fertilizer at your local garden shop or from your trusted florist.

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