All About Kalanchoe – History, Meaning, Facts, Care & More

Kalanchoes are vibrant and long-lasting flowers that will surely brighten your day. But ever wonder where did this flower originate? Take a look at the rich history of this flower and all the information you need to know about this famous houseplant.

History of Kalanchoe

This flower may seem strange to you but Kalanchoe has a rich history. Originally, this plant came from the tropics of Asia, Africa, and Madagascar. It was only in 1927 where it was first introduced in Paris and was discovered by Robert Blossfeld who was a German seed merchant. From thereon, he introduced the Kalanchoe as a houseplant or Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana.

Thanks to the Danish and Dutch breeders because they were the ones who helped the Kalanchoe to be known internationally in the 1980s. In fact, it is one of the most popular flower plants in the world. Nowadays, there are different varieties of Kalanchoe growing around the world. Innovation has been introduced to this plant such as new colors and sizes.

Kalanchoe  Flower Meaning

According to our florist expert, Kalanchoes bloom only for at least 8 weeks that is why this flower is a symbol of persistence and eternal love because of its endurance during its blooming season.

Interesting Facts About Kalanchoe

Did you know that Kalanchoe is popular among Chinese especially during Chinese New Year because it is said that it brings wealth and prosperity? Aside from that, some species of Kalanchoe contain toxins that can be harmful to some animals and can cause serious cardiac poisoning. But, generally, this plant can be used in traditional herbal medicines and can heal infections, inflammation, and rheumatism.

Kalanchoe Planting Season

You need not worry about Kalanchoes because they are available all year round and they are its peak from March through September. This plant is also one of the easiest when it comes to taking care because they are easy to maintain. It is a perfect plant for people who are too busy and tend to forget to water their plants because Kalanchoes prefers its soil to be dry. It also prefers bright and indirect sunlight with a warm environment. If you start to notice that the plant is pale looking or bi-colored, it means that the light that the plant is getting is not sufficient for them. You don’t need to also water them regularly only when the soil is too dry. Putting too much water on them can lead to crown rot.

Kalanchoe Colors and Shapes

Kalanchoes are low maintenance that is why it’s perfect for people who lack time. It has sturdy and thick leaves can even store their own moisture and it is known for its remarkable leaves. When it comes to its colors, it is easy to notice because it comes in gleaming colors.

When you have this plant, do not throw away the plant after it is done flowering because it can actually re-bloom but you just have to be patient with the process. Just cut the flowering head and let the plant rest for at least one month. After that, give 12 hours of complete darkness then followed by 20 hours of bright light for at least 6 weeks to let its buds develop. Once the buds are developed, then you can give the plant its normal light condition.

Kalanchoe Planting and Care Tips

As mentioned above, Kalanchoes are low maintenance plants that can grow even in low humidity. Keep the temperature above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. When it comes to light, they need a lot of good light, ideally, you must place them in a south-facing window especially during winter. If you notice that your Kalanchoe plant is looking thin, it is probably not getting enough light that it deserves.

Kalanchoes thrive when they are put in a well-drained potting mix that is suitable for cacti and succulents. Do not over-water them because it will only kill your Kalanchoes. When you water them, allow the water to run thoroughly at the bottom then empty the drainage tray. Never ever leave the water sitting on the plant or else it will die.

You can also remove wilted flowers of the Kalanchoes to maintains its neatness. Wipe any dust that you can see by gently spraying water on it. When it’s summertime, put your Kalanchoes outdoors but shelter them from rain.

Kalanchoe Pruning Tips (Blooming Season)

  1. When you start to see that the drying blooms are appearing, immediately remove them. If you leave the dead and dry blooms it will not only look unappealing to your Kalanchoes but it also prevents them from growing new petals. You can remove them using your fingers.
  1. After removing the dried and dead blooms, cut back the flower stalks. Just use the standard hand pruners to trim them. This will help your flower encourage branching for them to develop fully with wider leaves. Make sure that your hand pruners are sharp in order to avoid damage to your Kalanchoe plant. You can disinfect them by rubbing alcohol or putting them in boiling water. This will prevent any potential spread of infection.
  1. Cut off dead or damaged leaves and shoots that you can see on your Kalanchoes. You will notice that if the leaves are decaying if their colors are yellow or brown. It is necessary to cut the damaged or dead leaves and shoots because the decay or disease may spread throughout your plant. It will also keep your plants healthy and beautiful.
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